This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven: May your holy name be honored; may your Kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Matt 6:9-10 GNT)

This scripture has been called – Our Lord’s Prayer for as long as we can remember but its not just the prayer of Jesus Christ but a prophecy concerning the birth of the kingdom of God on this earth. This scripture saw Jesus Christ teaching His disciples to speak the divine intentions of God concerning the human world into existence. This kingdom and Will of God that is to take root on earth as it already is in heaven is the birthing of the New Testament Christianity that will showcase the Life of Christ on this earth.

The kingdom of God and His Will which is the reign of Righteousness was already established in heaven but was aborted on earth by the tricks of the devil which Adam and Eve unknowingly gave in to. This brought about a huge challenge to the advancement of the Kingdom and Will of God on the earth as God intended it from the very beginning.

So Jesus Christ in this scripture lead His disciples into speaking the divine plan and purpose of God that He(Christ) came to the human world to fulfill.
His death and resurrection will mark the establishment of both the Kingdom and the Will of God on this earth. To His disciples it was a time to learn how to prayer but for Jesus Christ it was the beginning of the speaking into reality the divine plan of God that brought Him to the human world. Jesus Christ was also teaching the principle of – Verbalizing The Divine Plans Of God As Has Been Made Know To Us His Children Through The Holy Spirit Until They A Become Reality.

Dear Christian, in this generation we have two very important divine channels that bring the plans of God to us and they – The written word of God and the Holy Spirit.
As the Holy Spirit inspires you through the written word and shows you the plans of God – its your responsibility to begin to verbalize them until it comes into reality – Hallelujah.

Last modified: March 9, 2024