So much is happening in today’s Christianity that is aimed at shipwrecking the faith and convictions of God’s children. The responsibility of the believer is to through the Holy Spirit be sensitive to these tricks of the devil in order to stand firm on the Truth till the end.

The confusion that has entered the church today on the subject of – What to Believe, was there in the early church but it has become a very huge issue in today’s church more than it was in the early church.

We want us to pay very close attention to this scripture in 1John 1:1 and it says – My dear friends, do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but test them to find out if the spirit they have comes from God. For many false prophets have gone out everywhere.

In the church today, Christians no longer have the patience to – Test The spirit of those on the pulpit – we are now always in a hurry to believe whatever is proceeding from the pulpit.
The picture that is painted today is as though God is in a hurry and we must also hurriedly believe without considering what we are believing. 
God knows that a time like this will come in the church when the quest for a better and more comfortable life here on earth will make Christians turn a blind eye to teachings/preachings and practices that are not consistent with the scriptures. This has given rise to so many unscriptural teachings and practices in the church.

Again we have become blinded by results. So a minister’s results determines those who believe in him/her. As long as, ‘IT IS WORKING’, we believe without testing to know if God is the One actually at work in such a place.

Personal Reflection
Let’s think – when last was I in church or in a Christian fellowship and I thought of Testing if what was been said from the pulpit is from God.
Or to Test if the miracles, breakthroughs, signs and wonders, were actually from God? or had another source?

How Come The Current Church Is Producing Christians Who Are Spiritually Lazy? Who Know More About Their Denomination Than They Know About The Holy Scriptures Through The Inspiration Of The Holy Spirit. Some Know more about Their Pastor Than They Know The Holy Scriptures.

To believe have become very simple in church today because, the messages, prayers and testimonies mainly promote the physical needs of humans, as though the Gospel is first about meeting the physical needs of humans.

Our goal is to draw our attention back to how we should believe. Our believe should come from the conviction of the Holy Spirit that is based on the truth of the scriptures and not on the personality of the preacher or his/her charisma or results.
You need to start – Testing Every Spirit To Know If They Are Truly Of God.

Last modified: February 29, 2024