The present world was formed from the spoken word of God and this creative power of words has also been released unto us by God.

 The Kingdom of God is not just talking; it is living by God’s power. {1Cor 4:20 TLB}

Heaven and earth will pass away but Gods word remain true and endures for ever. Sometimes we go through a lot because we fail to recognize the potency of Gods word and speak it into that situation.

Kenneth E. Hagin in his book, ‘The Triumphant Church’ told a story about one of his encounter’s with God. According to him, he was being taught by Jesus and a little animal like a chimp came out and began making a sound while circling round him thereby creating a smoky atmosphere which caused him not to see nor hear Jesus.

Kenneth wondered if Jesus didn’t see this or noticed he had been distracted. However, he summoned up courage and rebuked this little animal in Jesus’s name, immediately, this little animal fell and was whining defeatedly and finally disappeared.

The whole distraction ended and he could hear and see Jesus again. When he inquired why Jesus never did anything all through the incident, Jesus told him if he hadn’t rebuked the demon, He (Jesus) wouldn’t have.

The bible records,’…for as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to be sons of God…’ On receiving Christ, you received life and power and even the power to become a son.

In other words, you received the power to dominate and to know your rights and inheritance in Christ Jesus.

Walk in this truth and live to enjoy the living power in God’s word, for the word of God is living and powerful.

Last modified: May 21, 2015