Hephzibah At A Glance
Hephzibah Leadership Center is an indigenous and a non-denominational Christian Organization, which under God was birthed in 2008, through a vision given to the Vision Coordinator by the Holy Spirit.
This Vision came into full maturity and manifestation in 2013, as a result of the continuous deception, ungodliness and heretical messages from the pulpit, with a mandate to serve as one of the channels to purge the Body of Christ of these anomalies as we prepare for the coming of the Lord by the help of the Holy Spirit.
The Focus and Core Mandate of this Ministry will be to be one of the end-time channel of God to purge the Body of Christ of the decay in it, occasioned by the devil, through the Balanced Teaching/Preaching of the Truth of the Gospel of Christ, with a view to building Eternal Values in the Church.

As an End-Time vehicle to carry the Truth of the Gospel, Hephzibah Leadership Center will be involved in the following;

1. Media Evangelism Tagged:( Living Truth, The Word Revolution and Wisdom for Living)
2. Christian Discipleship Teaching Tagged: Hephzibah Teaching Center
3. A Christian Cable Network Tagged: Hephzibah Broadcasting Network (HBN)
4. A Retreat Center.

Therefore Hephzibah Leadership Center with its non-denominational nature is also a movement which identifies with the witness of the Church in Nigeria and around the world.
Our Vision
To raise a generation of godly people through the balanced teaching/preaching of the truth of the gospel of Christ and to equip them with eternal values.
Our Motto: Building Men with Eternal Values 
Our Mission
Hephzibah Leadership Center has been charged with the responsibility of building a generation of people rich and skilled in the balanced truth of the gospel of Christ through; Leadership Development, Mentor-ship, Christian Counseling, Youth Development, Biblical Discipleship, that will transform the church and society with eternal values.
Aims and Objectives
1. To equip and develop leaders who are skilled in the balanced truth of the gospel
2. To organize evangelistic crusades, outreaches and evangelism.
3. To nurture young people through youth empowerment and development seminars.
4. To organize marriage seminars and christian counseling.
5. Mentor-ship.
6. To develop and publish Christian literature’s. 
Our Core Values
Hephzibah Leadership Center as a movement is saddled with the responsibility of bringing the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ to humanity, in effect reaching the un-reached with the grace that brings salvation and establishing the reached with the balanced truth of the gospel of Christ.

In Hephzibah, our core values include;
1. Teaching/Preaching the balanced truth of the gospel for godly living
2. Missions and Evangelism
3. Christian Character Development
4. Building Leadership Capacity
5. Christian Counseling and Mentor-ship
6. Biblical Discipleship
7. Youth Development and Empowerment
Pastor Ihuoma Ochulor
Vision Coordinator
Last modified: March 3, 2015