Every child of God has a waiting time. A waiting time is a period of time in ones life when it seems like nothing is moving forward, like there is a feeling of stagnation. Its can also be seen as the time lag between the promise of God to you and its fulfillment/manifestation.

Men like Jacob, Moses, John the Baptist, and even Jesus had waiting times. It doesn’t mean that God is not with you anymore, or you are living in sin, for which you’re getting the reward.

It is only a period when you ought to learn all you can as been taught by the Holy Spirit, in order to renew your strength.

This will make your heart glad – But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. {Isa 40:31 TLB}

Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan River, being urged by the Spirit out into the barren wastelands of Judea, where Satan tempted him for forty days. He ate nothing all that time and was very hungry. {Luke 4:1-2  TLB}

Have you ever thought what Jesus did or was doing in the wilderness? was He just led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, and how was He able to overcome such temptations for 40days?

This gives us the answer –  There the child became a strong, robust lad, and was known for wisdom beyond his years; and God poured out his blessings on him. {Luke 2:40  TLB}

The Spirit of God, His teachings, His leadings and your ability to obey and follow Him is what makes the difference in your waiting time.

There’s always going to be a waiting time but what matters is what we make out of that season. Our sensitivity to the Spirit matters a lot. It may not be an all promising smooth ride when we feel we are out of such  phase of waiting, however, after such period we come out stronger to mount up with wings as eagles.

God is not an unjust Father, He only uses what we go through {experiences} to make us stronger and better believers.

Have a Grace filled day
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu
Last modified: May 20, 2015