But that isn’t what you learned about Christ. {Eph 4:20  NLT}

As believers, we are not expected to live like unbelievers because we take our bearing from the life of Christ. Having discussed so far the effects of sin in a human life that opens up to it, our scriptural focus for today highlights why we as believers should not live our daily life in sin. ‘But that isn’t what you learned about Christ – is a wakeup call to every believer. The attitudes and characters i exhibit, from whom have i learnt it, this is a question we should always ask ourselves. Am i patterning my life after the things am learning from Christ through the scriptures or am i learning from other sources. Christ has given us great examples to learn from, be assured that they are not outdated but always current.

Our world is filled with alternatives – Be careful who you are learning from.

Have a Grace filled day.
Twitter, Instagram – PastorIhu

Last modified: July 10, 2015