As we continue our series on Sexual sins and its effects in a christian relationship, our focus today will be on Intimacy. Intimacy is a feeling or atmosphere of closeness and openness that exist between a man and a woman either in marriage or in a relationship leading to marriage. We said last week that sexual sins destroys intimacy in marriage or even among engaged person’s. The moment you allow the devil introduce sexual sins in your relationship, it will eventually destroy that atmosphere of closeness and openness you enjoy with your spouse. In return it will introduce doubt, suspicion, uncertainties and a feeling of betrayal etc. If this is allowed to continue, it will also breakdown your spiritual relationship with God and each other. As believers, Gods advice is don’t be carnal, because you can only indulge in these things when you allow carnality to take over your life but rather be spiritual always.

Protect the Intimacy you share with your spouse.

Have a Grace filled day.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: July 11, 2015