Faith and Works Part III

God does not only care about the daily decisions you make that is aimed at improving your life, but He wants you to make decisions that will truly reflect His will for your life. Our scriptural focus for today states – How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort. {Gal 3:3 NLT}
It was obvious that the Galatians started their Christian life on a wonderful note but along the line they choose to deviate from the truth they received that brought the light of the glorious gospel to them. They started in the spirit but were trying to gain perfection through the flesh[human efforts].
When Apostle Paul said the Galatians started in the Spirit, he was only trying to remain them how they got the salvation experience. To start in the Spirit means to hear the undiluted message of grace and respond by believing it by faith as the only means to gain right standing with God, and subsequently live your life according to the instructions of the Holy Spirit who you received through the salvation experience. That the Galatian Christians got it right from the beginning was very true but they could not sustain the truth they received.
Like the Galatian Christians, there are many Christians today who started well in the Spirit but became victims of deception because they allowed the devil take advantage of their unguided/vulnerable moments. For some, it was the quest for a more comfortable standard of living that made them become victims of the tricks of the devil. For the Galatian Christians, they did not see the truth Apostle Paul preached to them as the whole truth, as such they felt something was missing and their quest drove them into the waiting lies of the devil.

Don’t be a victim of satans lies.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: August 12, 2016