The Irrevocable Promise Part III

When you love something enough from the perspective of God, you will never give up on it no matter the challenges you encounter, rather use the challenges as a stepping stone to your victory. Our scriptural focus for today states – This is what I am trying to say: The agreement God made with Abraham could not be canceled 430 years later when God gave the law to Moses. God would be breaking his promise. {Gal 3:17  NLT}
This scripture portrays the reliability and integrity of the personality of God. He is not just God because He created the world, but that He honours whatever agreement He enters with humans, stands Him out as an Unchangeable God. The promise was given to father Abraham 430 years before the introduction of the law through Moses and as such the coming of the law cannot set aside or disannul the Promise. It will be important to note that God is a God of consistency. The law was not introduced to set aside the promise, rather the law became necessary to help the children of Israel who have lived in an environment that did not know or worship God but idols to rediscover God and ultimately lead them into the Promise.
But the hardness of their hearts and their frequent disobedience hindered the plan of God and equally lead to the failure of the law. Since the process of the law failed because of humans, God choose to fulfill the Promise through Christ. If God had decided to set aside the Promise because of the law, He would be breaking His promise to father Abraham and secondly He would have cast a doubt on the Unchangeable/dependable nature of His character.
Beloved be rest assured that if God has made promises to you no matter how long it is, He cannot set them aside, neither will He allow circumstances to do same.

His words are unchangeable.

Have a Grace filled day, Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: September 14, 2016