The Message Of Christ Part IV

Therefore my beloved stop teaching, preaching and counseling others from the event’s of the old testament, because we now have a better weapon – Jesus Christ. Our scriptural focus for today states – And whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him. {Col 3:17 AMP}

The message of Christ conferred on any human who believes and lives by it the great privilege of also being the Representative of Christ here on earth. Therefore as a believer in Christ Jesus your life is no longer your own, rather your life now belongs to Christ. And if your life belongs to Christ, then you must reflect Christ in every aspect of your lifestyle/behaviour.

The Holy Spirit speaking through our scriptural focus says – And whatever you do as a believer in Christ (no matter what it is) in word or deed, do everything in the the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes we may think that there are certain aspects of our daily living that we need to leave Christ out of it. But the Holy Spirit says – whatever you do, meaning as Believers we can no longer isolate Christ from any aspect of our life, because He(Christ) is now our life.

You’re a representative of Christ on this earth

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you
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Declaration: I affirm that Christ is the lifter of my head, therefore I will never walk in shame and defect – Hallelujah

Last modified: December 15, 2017