The Fruit Of The Spirit Part V

Sometimes in life, things may not go according to the way you planned it. If you ever fall, get back on your feet, if you ever stumble, regain your strength and balance but never give up. Our scriptural focus for today states –  But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. {Gal 5:22 NLT}
God is love and loves humans in an unexplainable way. It is this self-sacrificing love that made Christ die for sinners, that He equally expects Christians to manifest. When a human lives in the sphere of God’s kind of love, then he/she will always experience Joy.
Joy is a deep and abiding inner rejoicing which is produced by the Holy Spirit only in the life of a believer in Christ. It does not depend on earthly circumstances because it comes from God’s sovereign control of all things in this world. Until a believer allows the Holy Spirit bring him/her into the understanding that God is Sovereign and is totally in-charge of the destiny of all His children on earth, he/she may find it difficult to live daily in the realm of this joy that comes from our unity with Christ.
It will be important to state that there is a great different between the Joy that the Holy Spirit produces and happiness. Happiness is the state/emotion of being happy which is a byproduct of either a good fortune, a new promotion, increase in once financial status etc, while Joy is not based on any outward achievement or circumstance but a spiritual disposition irrespective of the circumstance. It is this spiritual disposition that comes from the Holy Spirit that has the ability to keep a believer in Christ strong and moving forward in the face of the most difficult circumstances. It is also this Joy that comes only from the Holy Spirit that keeps a believer in Christ humble and focus in the face of any earthly achievement.

Let the Joy of the Lord be the source of your strength.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: February 15, 2017