Go The Extra Mile Part III

If you practice the love of Christ, it will definitely attract a beautiful attitude. Negative criticism and condemnation is not a reflection of the love of Christ, neither is strife and division. Our scriptural focus for today states – I wish I were with you right now so I could change my tone. But at this distance I don’t know how else to help you. {Gal 4:20  NLT}

Apostle Paul was very passionate about the future of the Galatian Christians, for which he was ready to go the extra mile to salvage them rather than leave them in the hands of the deceiver the devil. He was not physically present with them at the time of this event yet he didn’t turn a blind eye. He saw the Galatian Christians as God’s investment that is about to be wasted by the devil, so whether he was physically present or not did not matter to him, what mattered to him was how to protect and preserve God’s investment from decay. So he says – I wish I were with you right now so I could change my tone.

Even though Apostle Paul appreciated that the distance has the ability to limit his help to the Galatian Christians, he still did something, he wrote these instructions to them through a letter. He was believing that the Holy Spirit will work through these instructions contained in his letters to deliver the Galatian Christians from the hands of the false teachers that were trying to turn them away from the truth of the gospel.

Like Apostle Paul, don’t give up on yourself or on anyone who you have laboured over in the gospel but you notice that one straying away from the truth of the gospel to another gospel. Whether you’re physically present or not ensure that you do something that the Holy Spirit can use to deliver that person from the deception of the devil.

Do something to save a soul for Christ.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News Awaits you.


Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: November 15, 2016