Go The Extra Mile Part IV

Where there is godly love, there will be trust, and this trust will bring about both spiritual and physical growth. When this is achieved, it will bring commitment to  the common good of all. Our scriptural focus for today states –  Tell me, you who want to live under the law, do you know what the law actually says.  {Gal 4:21  NLT}

The false teachers who were bent on destroying the genuine salvation of the Galatian Christians, were doing so through the teachings of the law. They relied on the ignorance of the people to mislead them. They were presenting to the people that living under the provisions of the law was better than living under the provisions of grace, and the Galatian Christians were already convinced. This prompted Apostle Paul to ask them this question – You who wants to live under the law, do you know what the law actually says?. It was obvious, that these people had accepted a gospel they know nothing about.

It is not just disappointing to see people take decisions that have eternal value on the basis of ignorance, it is an eternal destruction of one’s destiny. We want you to know that your eternity with God or with the devil will be determined by what you did with your life here on earth. These people who were introduced to the Light of glorious gospel, now prefer to walk in the darkness of the law that cannot offer eternal salvation.

In our world, there are so many deceptive teachings going on in the Body of Christ that have their roots in the law. It is disappointing to see that most are gaining grounds in the church, while riding on the ignorance of Christians. Like Apostle Paul, we pose this question to you – Those things you have come to believe, have you crosschecked them with the truth of the gospel of grace?. Do you know where they are actually leading you to?. Be careful.

Don’t be carried away by every wind of doctrine

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.


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Last modified: November 16, 2016