The Purpose of the Law Part I

You have been divinely appointed by Christ to be His ambassador here on earth, ensure you’re making Him proud through your lifestyle. Our scriptural focus for today states – Why, then, was the law given? It was given alongside the promise to show people their sins. But the law was designed to last only until the coming of the child who was promised. God gave his law through angels to Moses, who was the mediator between God and the people. {Gal 3:19 NLT}
Due to the confusion some Jewish Christians were trying to bring into the early church, it became necessary to also clarify the purpose for which the law was given to humans. Having established that the law was not added after 430 years the Promise was given to set aside the Promise, rather the law was added to show humans their sin. Without the coming of the law, we would not have had a proper definition of sin. The law was also not given to last for as long as humans lived on this earth rather was designed by God to last until the coming of the Seed of Abraham whom the Promise was made to. The law was not abolished by Christ rather His finished work on the cross fulfilled all the requirements of the law once and for all.
It will be important to state that even though the Promise was given before the law, the law played the roll of a forerunner to the Promise. The law was relevant until Christ came and established in its fullness the Promise. The purpose of the law was to guide humans to God and to make them aware of sin until the coming of Christ who introduced the permanent solution for sin.

The law was fulfilled in Christ.

Have a Grace filled day, Good News awaits you.
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Last modified: September 16, 2016