God’s Peace Initiative Part IV

Beloved, If you refuse to cooperate with the Holy Spirit, you may never have the privilege of enjoying a transformed pattern of thinking, which is the God kind of thinking. Our scriptural focus for today states – Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault. {Col 1:22 NLT}
The same access you have been given by Christ to enjoy freely God’s presence through His death and resurrection, is the same access that guarantees you live and enjoy a life of holiness there on this earth. You will not become holy by the things you do in the church, rather you become holy by receiving the Nature of God the human race lost through the sin of Adam and Eve, when you come to God through the salvation experience.
In essence, Holiness is God’s gift to His children in order to enable them live like Him on this earth. Adam and Eve were created in the image/nature of God, by which they lived in holiness as their lifestyle. The scripture says – You’re holy and blameless as you stand before Him(God) without a single fault. God made all who will accept Christ as their Lord and personal saviour holy, blameless and faultless, because He sees such persons through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Your responsibility is to maintain your new nature of Holiness by staying away from all forms of sin. Don’t also allow the devil destroy your life by living in the guilt of any past sin, if you have genuinely confessed it, Christ has also forgiven you and restored you back to your new nature of holiness.

You’re Holy, You’re Blameless and Faultless before God.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News Awaits you.
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Last modified: June 19, 2017