We continue on the series – Raising godly Children in an Ungodly World. Its no longer news that christian families are faced with systems that are hostile to Christian values. The desire of most parents is to ensure that their children have a strong foundation of biblical faith. Follow us in this series and may the Holy Spirit give you insight.

6. Bless Your Children
This is one very important area in the live of children that some parents are neglecting. This is so because most parents have not understood the great role Blessing their Children play in the fulfillment of the Destiny of those children. Secondly some Christian parents are always quick to curse their children than bless them. Blessing your children is a spiritual role God expects every Christian parent to dutifully carry out in the lives of their children. There are many children today who are desperately crying out like Esau, Bless me, even me also, O my father/mother, not because they have sold their birthright but because of the spiritual insensitivity of their parents.
As a Christian father or mother learn to deliberately place your hands on the head of your children and speak the blessings of God over their lives to their hearing. Don’t do it only when they are sleeping, but more importantly bless your children when they are awake because it will among other things:
1. Help build their self esteem
2. Develop their love and confidence in God
3. Develop love towards you their parents
4. Set them on the right path of achieving their God given destiny.
5. It will help them get saved early.
To bless your child is to speak a biblical word that attaches high value and pictures a special future for them with an active commitment as a parent to help them fulfill it. God has given every godly parent the privilege to shape the destiny of their children, don’t neglect or misuse it. Make sure you make it a point of duty to regularly bless your children.

Bless your children and don’t curse them

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: March 18, 2016