Family Relationship Part III

The divine principle of Submission in marriage is the foundation for love, harmony, peace, purpose and fulfilment in any home. Our scriptural focus for today states – Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord. {Col 3:18 NLT}

As representatives of Christ here on earth, the Bible and Christ remains the standard in whatever we do. Christ is the perfect example of the divine principle of Submission. He was God but for a divine purpose, He gave up all His rights and privileges as God and submitted Himself to the will of the Almighty. Christ demonstrated that Submission is truly the pathway to divine elevation.

Beloved, quite seeing Submission from the perspective of this world rather start seeing it from the perspective of Christ. As a wife, your submission to your husband is a spiritual requirement as one who belong to Christ. If you have submitted your life to Christ, then submitting to your own husband becomes your lifestyle.

The quest to hold onto our rights and privileges is one of the greatest enemies of Submission. Like Christ, put your rights and privileges aside, and humble yourself in Submission, you will be amazed how God will step into your home and make all things beautiful for you.

Submission is the pathway to divine elevation

Have a Grace filled Year – Good news awaits you.
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Declaration: I affirm that God has set before me an Open Door to Different Opportunities this new year and no man can shut it – Hallelujah

Last modified: January 1, 2018