The Fruit Of Holy Spirit Part IX

As a believer in Christ, the best way to predict your future here on earth is to create it by the instructions and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our scriptural focus for today states – But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. {Gal 5:22  NLT}
The believer in Christ who exhibits longsuffering will not think of ways to avenge himself/herself or wish any form of difficult or pain on those who wrong him/her, rather like Christ he/she will be consumed with the thought of ways to be kind/gentle to such people. It is the virtue of kindness/gentleness that empowers the believer in Christ to come to the point were he/she can overcome evil with good and not what the human nature teaches which is always to overcome evil with evil.
Kindness and goodness go hand in hand. Kindness is benevolence in action just as God demonstrated towards humans by giving Christ to die, while Goodness is both an uprightness of the soul and the ability to reach out to others in good works, even when it is not deserved.
Christians must learn from the Holy Spirit not to be bitter and sharp but gentle, kind, good, mild, courteous and even soft-spoken. These attributes will even encourage unbelievers to seek the company of believer with the aim of becoming like them.
Kindness has the ability to overlook other peoples very obvious faults in order to get along with them. The quality of our lives here on earth will not be in the abundance of resources we have at our disposal but the acts of kindness and goodness we extended to others.

Let’s be kind and good to those we meet daily.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: February 20, 2017