Don’t Miss The Track Part I

Beloved walk boldly through the doors of opportunity God opens for you because no man has the capacity to close it, and don’t be discouraged when He closes the ones you no longer have need of. Our scriptural focus for today states – You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth. {Gal 5:7  NLT}
These Galatian Christians were doing so well in their new found faith in Christ, until they began to open themselves up to false teachings that lead them to false beliefs. It is one thing to run the Christian race so well today that many people may even admire you and pray to be like you but it is another thing to be consistent in the race. The Galatian Christians got it right at one point but were not established in the truth so it didn’t take long they deviated into falsehood.
It is the ought most desire of the devil to hold Christians back from following the truth and whenever he succeeds in doing that, they celebrate the down fall of such Christians as their own victory. Beloved do not be deceived by how long you have maintained a clean walk with God, always be on your guard because the devil has not and will not give up on derailing your Christian life until you meet Christ. Hear this advice – If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. {1Cor 10:12  NLT}
The Galatian Christians missed the mark because they became complacent, they lost their focus, they felt they needed new revelations that were beyond the truth they have come to know. They did not know that by their quest they played into the waiting hands of the devil.
Beloved, the question this day is – Are you still on track?. Sometimes Christians backslide from the truth and still cover up because they know the Christian language and behaviour and as such can continue in falsehood without any one noticing it. Humans may not know but God knows. If you have missed the track, today is the day of salvation.

Starting well is good, but finishing on the right track is better.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: December 21, 2016