Family Relationship Part II

The purpose for which God went ahead to create the woman, was to have another human being that is suitable, adaptable and complementary to the man – Our scriptural focus for today states – Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord. {Col 3:18 NLT}

The divine principle of Submission has been misunderstood by some wives because the devil came in and sowed seed’s of discord in the heart’s of many women, thereby making the divine principle of Submission look like slavery to the men. It will be important to emphasize that God did not instruct wives to submit to their husbands in order to enslave them or make them play a second class role in this world.

Every Christian woman must never accept the lies of the devil that presents submission in marriage as a bondage. Please note that the divine principle of Submission in marriage is the foundation for love, harmony, peace and fulfilment in any marriage.

Beloved husband please don’t also accept the lies of the devil concerning the divine principle of Submission by becoming Abusive. God did not make you the head of the home to become an oppressor, nor did He make you the head because you’re superior to your wife. You’re the head to provide Leadership based on divine pprinciples, because if God did not institute leadership in the home, there would not have been any need for submission.

Submission will build any home

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you
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Declaration: I affirm that I am the light of this world because I have Christ, therefore I will enforce the victory of Jesus – Hallelujah

Last modified: December 21, 2017