Family Relationship Part VI

The love of God for the entire human race as demonstrated through Christ Jesus is unconditional and unthinkable from every perspective. Our scriptural focus for today states – Children, always obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord. {Col 3:20 NLT}

Modernism and the advances the world has seen has also brought about a lot of changes in the social and behavioral patterns seen in the society today. One of the aspects that has taken the center stage world over is the Liberty that is been canvassed for in the upbringing of children. This liberty if followed has the ability to cast doubts in the heart of a child as to what extent should he/she be obedient to the instructions of their parents.

Our scriptural focus is instructing every godly child to always see to it that obedience to the instructions of their parents should be their lifestyle. The world and her system may have a different view or approach, but the standard of the Bible remains sure.
As a godly child, you must always bear in mind that your act of obedience to the instructions of your parents brings pleasure to God your heavenly Father. You can be rest assured that when your lifestyle always pleases God, then you are also in for a life of miracles.

Obedience to your parents, pleases God.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you
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Declaration: I affirm that by the manifestation of Christ on the earth, I am victorious over every work of the devil – Hallelujah

Last modified: February 21, 2018