Stand In The Truth Part II

Beloved, when your value system or things that determine your behaviour/actions are based on principles that are unscriptural, be aware that you’re copying the world system. Our scriptural focus for today states – But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. The Good News has been preached all over the world, and I, Paul, have been appointed as God’s servant to proclaim it. {Col 1:23 NLT}
The spiritual understanding and revelational light the Holy Spirit has brought into your spirit regarding the basis for your holiness and blameless state is a continuous believe process if you must continuously enjoy the benefits. If you believe today that you have been made holy through the sacrifice of Christ and tomorrow you fall into sin, instead of maintaining your holiness by genuinely confessing that sin and appropriating the blood of Christ, you now turn around to believe the lies of the devil and stop believing you’re holy through Christ, then you’re threading on a dangerous spiritual ground.
Beloved of God, it is important to note that it is your continuous believe of your new state of holiness, blamelessness and faultlessness through Christ that empowers you to live in righteousness on this earth and not sin consciousness. If you do not allow the Holy Spirit transform your mind/spirit from that of sin consciousness into your new state of holiness, blamelessness and faultlessness not before the devil because he is the accuser of the brethren but before God, you will not enjoy the God kind of life Christ died to give you.

Don’t live by the accusations of the devil.

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you.
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Last modified: June 21, 2017