Faith and Works Part VIII

As a Christian on this earth, if you truly want to know how rich you have become, take an inventory of those things in your life that money cannot buy that have eternal value. Our scriptural focus for today states – The real children of Abraham, then, are those who put their faith in God. {Gal 3:7  NLT}
Having established that faith is the absolute trust or confidence a Christian has in the abilities of God to make new things happen in a situation that appears hopeless in the eyes of humans. Going by the example of father Abraham, who never had any previous relationship with God nor any human example to rely upon, but trusted the voice that spoke to him as the Creator of the entire universe, and God said that was faith in its finest form. Don’t allow doubt/unbelief to keep robbing you of the opportunities God gives you to improve your faith. Abraham took advantage of his own opportunity, take advantage of yours too.
The real children of Abraham after the faith are not those who sing – Abraham’s blessings are mine, nor is it those who add to the number in every church service, but they are those who put their absolute faith in God, even when they do not understand the instructions of God like father Abraham, but are totally committed to obeying whatever it is that God has instructed them.
We need to constantly ask ourselves this question as we navigate through life on a daily basis – Is my absolute faith in God or do I claim to trust God but have other alternatives?. Search your heart and be honest to yourself, if you still have alternatives to God, then its time to make a change, it time to truly become a child of Abraham not by verbal confession but by the practice of faith.

It takes Faith to be a child of Abraham after the Spirit.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: August 22, 2016