The Believer’s Inheritance Part I

Beloved, the failure of the law to establish humans on the path of righteousness, was the beginning and success story of Grace. Our scriptural focus for today states – Always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light. {Col 1:12 NLT}
Apostle Paul spent time in thanking and extolling God, our loving and most caring Father for qualifying the Colossian brethren and equally all who were considered as Gentiles. Before the coming of Christ only the Nation of Israel were the people of God, the rest of the world were Gentile Nation’s who did not have the knowledge of God. No wonder the Gentile Nation’s did all manner of unthinkable abominations because there was no God of righteousness to guide their day to day living.
But the coming of Christ brought a paradigm shift in the human access to God. His death and resurrection threw open the flood gates of heaven to all humans. That any one who comes to the true knowledge of God through Christ has been automatically qualified to be a partaker of the inheritance of the Saints.
Beloved, it is not your service (financial, material) in the church that qualifies you for God’s inheritance, its not even you’re labour in evangelism/missions that qualifies you for God’s inheritance. There is nothing any human can do/achieve that will ever qualify him/her for the inheritance God has provided for His children there on earth. He(God) is the only One that qualifies us for the inheritance He has made available because we are united with Christ.

You have been qualified by God in Christ.

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you.
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Last modified: May 22, 2017