Exemplary Living Part III

Beloved, difficult circumstances can help us climb higher in life, if we learn through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to use them as steeping stones to our greatness. Our scriptural focus for today states – Those who are taught the word of God should provide for their teachers, sharing all good things with them. {Gal 6:6  NLT}
One of the responsibility of each believer in Christ is to help shoulder the financial and material burden of those who genuinely labour in teaching them the word of truth. Maybe the judaizers had influenced some of the Galatian believers to slack from supporting their teachers or to deliberately ignore such as not part of their responsibility in the body of Christ. From the beginning of the new testament Church, bearing the financial/material burdens of others was the mark of Christian experience, more so their teachers. The Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul had to call their attention to their responsibilities towards their teachers in the gospel. The principle behind this passage is that of voluntary giving and not that of pressured giving with the aim of getting more or tapping into the anointing of the man of God.
The admonition in this passage is very clear and simple, that as a teacher/preacher shares the good things of the word of God based on his/her calling, those who benefit from such ministry should reciprocate by sharing all good things with them. As believers in Christ, we must understand that what we do with material/financial blessings in the church is an evidence of how we value spiritual things and those privileged to serve as teachers of these spiritual treasures.

Value your teachers, share with them your good treasures.

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: March 23, 2017