The Believer’s Inheritance Part III

Beloved, it is good to do good works but know this, that the gift of salvation in Christ is not a reward for the good works you have done. Our scriptural focus for today states – For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son. {Col 1:13 NLT}
All humans where held in bondage from the days of Adam and Eve until the coming of Christ in human form. God had adopted some methods to rescue humanity from the cruel bondage of the devil but none succeed not because God failed, No God cannot fail but because humans made those process to fail.
Then He gave Christ, who was also God and whom the devil with all his wicked tricks could not defeat, rather He(Christ) defeated the devil once and for all and permanently secured the freedom of the human race. The gateway to living a life of freedom here on earth is to genuinely accept the work of Christ and to daily walk in the light as Christ is in the light.
Praise God, all who are in Christ are no longer in the kingdom of darkness, we are no longer in the bondage and slavery of the devil, for God has rescued us and transferred us into the kingdom of His dear Son(Christ). We now have and enjoy all the privileges of the kingdom of Christ which begins here on earth and will climax when we meet Him in eternity. Beloved in Christ, you do not need any more deliverance from the bondage of the devil because Christ has rescued you once and for all. Live with this understanding of the work of Christ.

Whatever the Lord does is Forever.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
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Last modified: May 24, 2017