The Marks of Freedom Part X

Beloved, when your interest in this world has been crucified by your walk of obedience with the Holy Spirit, you become heavenly conscious and earthly relevant. Our scriptural focus for today states – As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died. {Gal 6:14 NLT}
The spiritual transformation that occurred in the life of Apostle Paul didn’t just stop at his interest in this world been crucified, he also allowed the Holy Spirit to take him further by equally crucifying the world’s own interest in him. The world systems with all its allurements, fleshly displays and religion’s of human effort was cast aside by Apostle Paul. He saw the world as that which has been crucified on the cross by Christ and the world saw him like one literally living on the cross.
The aim of the devil for filling this world with all kinds of unthinkable acts of wickedness is to create the interest of this world in the life of believers. See some of the interest of this world – The love of money, The love for pleasure, The love for power, The love for liberal lifestyle etc.
Beloved in our Christian development, we must trust the Holy Spirit to bring us to this second level of spiritual transformation where the devil has completely lost his controlling influence over our lives. You must allow Him to permanently destroy every ungodly interest the devil is working very hard to create in your life that is against the life of righteousness you have received from Christ.

Don’t give room for the worlds interest.

Have Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: April 25, 2017