Don’t Be Deceived Part I

Beloved, attitude is either the fuel that fires your spirit and keeps you going or the obstacle that cripples your progress in life. Ensure to have the right attitude always. Our scriptural focus for today states – Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. {Gal 6:7  NLT}
Supporting ministers of the gospel is more of a value system. Until you value something, you will not see or understand the importance of going all out to do such things. Obviously the the Galatian Christians were deceived into neglecting their responsibilities to the ministers of God in their days. The emphasis of the Holy Spirit through the phrase Be not deceived borders more on our character/attitude towards God’s instructions. The source of this danger is the allowance we grant the devil to influence our heart/mind that makes us misinterpret the instructions of God. The scriptures also sounds a note of warning – don’t deceive yourself, nor permit others to deceive you. The devil has made so much information available through different mediums, including the church that is capable of deceiving believers in Christ who fails to allow the Holy Spirit lead them into spiritual understanding.
One fact is clear no man can deceive God, not even the devil, neither will God allow any man to mock His justice system through pretence instead of real/selfless service. No man can deceive God because He is perfectly acquainted with our heart/mind and the actual motive behind every human action.

May your service not be in pretence.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: March 25, 2017