Learning From The Past Part V

The way you response as a Christian during times of challenges/difficulties will determine whether you will reach your desired promise land or not. Be positive and proactive. Our scriptural focus for today states – These two women serve as an illustration of God’s two covenants. The first woman, Hagar, represents Mount Sinai where people received the law that enslaved them. {Gal 4:24  NLT}

As we keep learning from the events of biblical history, we see a very important illustration that affects us today as Christians. Our scriptural focus compares mummy Sarah and her slave girl Hagar to the two covenants God has crafted with humans. Hagar is used to represent Mount Sinai, where the great servant of Moses received the old covenant. Apostle Paul uses the phrase – where people received the law that enslaved them, to describe the extent to which the law given through Moses did not achieve its desired goal. Instead of liberating the people of Israel and guiding them in the path of righteousness to fully discover God personally, it became a weapon of offence and enslavement to them.

It will be important to state that every human effort targeted at bringing about the fulfilment of God’s promises in the life of a Christian is now seen by God as another Hagar or the law. Like the law enslaved the people of Israel rather than liberate them, so will every human effort employed by any Christian to carry out divine assignment’s or fulfilment of God’s promises become an avenue for the devil to enslave such persons. Such human efforts may look good and may even appear to have a godly outlook but bear in mind that it will not achieve God’s desire/purpose for your life. It may be a process to get a promotion in your office or business but it is ungodly, please stay away from it because the consequences maybe bigger than the momentary gains.

Run from anything that has the ability to enslave you.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.


Twitter/Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: November 25, 2016