True Sacrifice Part II

As a child of God, you wouldn’t overcome fear in any area of your life by occupying your mind with thoughts of a good life, rather you will overcome fear by filling your heart with God’s word(The Bible) and turning the inspiration into your prayer. Our scriptural focus for today states  –  But even though my condition tempted you to reject me, you did not despise me or turn me away. No, you took me in and cared for me as though I were an angel from God or even Christ Jesus himself. {Gal 4:14 NLT}
As Christians, it is of ought most importance that we allow the Holy Spirit to help us define the purpose for our existence based on the overrule plan of God for our world. Apostle Paul had allowed the Holy Spirit do this in his life, so submitting to Gods purpose even in the face of the worse health challenge could not stop him. He had to remind the Galatian Christians of how physically sick he was that they were tempted to reject him and by extension would have rejected the gospel of truth. Obviously Apostle Paul was very sick but he did not allow it to hinder the purpose of God for the Galatians.
Don’t you think we are currently faced with the same challenge the Galatian Christians faced and if not more. Where the gospel has been rejected or accepted based on the physical appearance or carriage of the minister. Do you think we would able to listen to a minister of the gospel whose physical appearance looks very sick or whose dressing does not meet the current expectation?
I believe that every Christian living in our world today needs the gift of discerning of Spirits, to be able to discern the fake from the true ministers of God. In Apostle Paul’s days, the situation is not as messy as we have it today. Through the Spirit of discernment, we can know beyond the physical appearance and learn to receive Gods ministers not based on their physical look but based on the God we see they are representing.

Be guided by God’s Spirit.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: October 25, 2016