Take no part in the worthless pleasures of evil and darkness, but instead, rebuke and expose them. {Eph 5:11  TLB}

It has become necessary for us as believers to take our stand for righteousness in our generation. It will no longer be profitable to the work of God on this earth if believers keep shying away from confronting evil headlong. Our scriptural focus for today offers the solution – Instead, rebuke and expose them {evil}. Your responsibility in the face of wide spread acts of evil and wickedness, is to rebuke and expose them and not to succumb to the trick of the devil that says if you can’t beat them, you join them. You cannot be effective in your responsibility of rebuking and exposing wickedness if you’re living a life of compromise. Note that compromise is one of the greatest strategy the devil is using to make believers powerless and spiritually inactive. You must live above the devil and his activities to be able to exercise the authority Christ has given you. Hear this – The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions. {Prov 28:1 NLT}. You need the boldness that comes through godly living to be able to confront and conquer wickedness in this world. This is a counsel of the Holy Spirit to someone who fell into sin as a believer and you have been trying to cover that sin, take a bold step today by confessing and exposing that sin to your pastor and receive restoration.

Integrity should be your watch word.

Have a Grace filled day
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu
Let’s Talk With PastorIhu 29th Aug. 3pm @Bubbles Plaza.

Last modified: August 26, 2015