Salvation by Faith Part III

As a child of God, you have been divinely appointed by Christ to be His representative here on earth, do not for any reason in the world misuse this great privilege. Our scriptural focus for today states – But what if we trust Christ to save us and then find that we are wrong and that we cannot be saved without being circumcised and obeying all the other Jewish laws? Wouldn’t we need to say that faith in Christ had ruined us? God forbid that anyone should dare to think such things about our Lord. {Gal 2:17 TLB}
Apostle Paul by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit addresses the question that should be in the heart of most Jews who have become Born Again and have left obeying the law as a prerequisite for been made right with God and secondly for those who wish to become Born Again but are thinking – will it not be wrong to totally abandon the law for faith in Christ as the only basis for being made right with God. Having been told by their father’s what God did to the people of Israel whenever they abandoned the law for other gods, they needed to be sure that this will not bring about another devastating consequences on them from God. The Holy Spirit had to reassure them through Apostle Paul that faith in Christ cannot ruin them, moreover it is even wrong to think about Christ in such manner.
Some believers are tempted to sometimes think in such ways, especially when the Holy Spirit gives us an instruction that is not the popular belief, or when we are persecuted by other believers for taking stands we are convinced by the Holy Spirit is the truth. Sometimes believers are tempted to doubt the message of Grace due to its simplicity, which is a great departure from the complex nature of the law. Be assured again that God is not a man and cannot lie nor mislead any of His children.

We will only be wrong outside Christ.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
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Last modified: July 26, 2016