God’s Mysterious Plan Part I

Beloved child of God, you have been made right in the sight of God through the blood of Christ, quit trying to be made right before God through your works, just receive what Christ has offered you. Our scriptural focus for today states – In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. {Col 2:3 NLT}
The mysterious plan of God that has been revealed in the human world, in the kingdom of darkness and in heaven is Christ. That the Word(Christ) became flesh and dwelled among humans and the people at that time beheld His glory and since then till now humans are still beholding His glory, yet we all have not been able to comprehend the depth, height, length and breath of His glory is a mystery in itself.
Beloved it is an abuse on spirituality and on Christ for a child of God to seek wisdom from any other source which is not Christ, because in Christ, God has put all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. These treasures of wisdom and knowledge have not just been put in Christ but they are hidden in Him. In Christ you have stored for you as a child of God whatever you will ever require as wisdom and knowledge to advance the purpose/visions of God on the earth.
Therefore to understand that everything you need as a resource to live the life God has ordained for you on this earth is already provided for in Christ, is the first step to success in all fields. Remember that the wisdom and knowledge in Christ is not limited to living a victorious Christian life but again, we want to emphasize that it is provided to make you successful in family life, career, education etc.

Go for wisdom and knowledge, Go for Christ.

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you.
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Prayer – I Declare that am in Christ, therefore everything that represented the old nature have passed away, Am a new person – Hallelujah.

Last modified: July 26, 2017