We continue on the series – Raising godly Children in an Ungodly World. Its no longer news that christian families are faced with systems that are hostile to Christian values. The desire of most parents is to ensure that their children have a strong foundation of biblical faith. Follow us in this series and may the Holy Spirit give you insight.

7. Lead Them To Jesus

Understanding your child’s greatest need begins with acknowledging their greatest problem. The greatest problem of every child is that they are born sinners. Bear in mind that your children did not enter this world pursuing after God and His righteousness. They came into this world as a self seeking sinner in need of a savior! A desire to sin drives their hearts and minds, if you don’t start early to present Jesus to them, you may loose them to the devil. The most urgent need of every child is Regeneration through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As a Parent, you must ensure that your children actually have a personal relationships with Jesus Christ. Hear this – Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. {Prov 22:6 NLT}.

Most Christian parents assume that church attendance or youth-group involvement equates to new birth.  Do not just assume or take for granted that your child is a believer. The new birth is only evidenced in your child when you see his or her lifestyle begin to revolve around Jesus Christ. New birth is recognized by its fruits, and not just by a decision, especially among children.

Jesus is the greatest need of your child.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.


Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: March 26, 2016