The Believer’s Inheritance Part IV

Beloved, Do not allow anger control the way you live on this earth, because anger gives a foothold to the devil in order to destroy your life. Our scriptural focus for today states – Who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins. {Col 1:14 NLT}
What happened between our first mother Eve and the devil was beyond just eating a fruit to be wise that God has warmed them not to eat, nor was it only about disobedience to God’s instruction. It was the selling away of the human Dominion and consequently slavery to the devil. From that day until the day Christ resurrected in victory over the devil, the entire human race was held in bondage to the devil and his demons. Christ who is rich in mercy and love, could not stand His creation in perpetual bondage to the wicked taskmaster the devil, He set aside His glory and honour and put upon Him the form of a human in order to buy back the Freedom of the entire human race.
Beloved, Christ purchased your freedom and paid in full whatever was your debt of sin More than Two Thousand years ago, you don’t have any reason to be in bondage to the devil any more. He not only purchased your freedom from the devil, He also forgave you and satisfied the anger of God towards you once and for all. It is interesting and a thing of great joy to know that God is not angry with you anymore because of what Christ has done.

He purchased your freedom, He Forgave you.

Have a Grace filled day Good news awaits you.
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Last modified: May 26, 2017