True Sacrifice Part III

You can’t stop people from saying negative things about you as long as you live on this earth, but it is your personal responsibility to ensure that such things don’t get into your Spirit while standing in righteousness. Our scriptural focus for today states – But even though my condition tempted you to reject me, you did not despise me or turn me away. No, you took me in and cared for me as though I were an angel from God or even Christ Jesus himself. {Gal 4:14 NLT}

If the Galatian Christians rejected Apostle Paul due to his physical ill health, they would have missed the great purpose God had packaged for them through the ministry of Apostle Paul. He goes ahead to commend them for not despising him and turning him away, rather the brethren took him in and cared for him as though he was an Angel from God. These brethren truly cared for him for which he likened it as though he was Christ Jesus in their eyes.

Apostle Paul was saying that the situation was such that they should have maltreated him but the reverse was the case, they cared for him, they honoured him in such a way that he felt, it is only Christ Jesus that deserved such level of care and honour.

Brethren lets learn from the example of the Galatian Christians when it comes to caring for God’s minister’s. Most times the members do not get to know the difficult situations some minister’s go through. Since they are always expected to speak and act faith all the time. Let’s learn to look beyond that and truly care for some minister’s in some forgotten area’s. Let’s also learn not to despise any one who truly is a minister of God because of one physical condition or the other, if we do, we are not just despising him/her alone but also the God who he/she represents. Please note that Christ has not asked us to worship any minister but to care and honour them.

Care for ministers, honour God.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.

Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: October 26, 2016