Recognising The Assignment Part I

Sometimes, God may not get us out of an unpleasant situation in the course of our earth pilgrimage,  but He will definitely give us the strength and teach us how to go through it and come out better people. Our scriptural focus for today states – Instead, they saw that God had given me the responsibility of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as he had given Peter the responsibility of preaching to the Jews. {Gal 2:7 NLT}
Apostle Paul had received the assignment to carry the gospel of grace to the Gentile Nations, which some Jewish Christians found it difficult to come to terms with because they thought that the gospel was for the Jews alone. Going by the remarkable success God had given him, the leadership of the church at Jerusalem recognised that, this was God’s assignment to Apostle Paul as the ministry to the Jews was committed to Apostle Peter and the other eleven.
The church leadership by their action established that as believers, – We are all equal in Sonship but can be different in assignment.
This bold step taken by the church leadership in Jerusalem, saved the future of the gospel from the hands of some religious people who would have destroyed it because they lack understanding in the things God was doing. Secondly the gospel increased more because, they all faced their area of assignment.
It is wisdom to recognise the various assignment’s God has called everyone us into as His children. When you identity your ministry, focus on it, it may not be popular at the beginning, like Apostle Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles but if God has sent you, give it your very best and see God blessing many lives through it.

Its God that is at work in us all.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News Awaits you.
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Last modified: June 27, 2016