True Sacrifice Part IV

In our world, some people are hurting so badly that you as a child of God have to do more than just preach a message to them. You have to be the message of hope to them. Our scriptural focus for today states – Where is that joyful and grateful spirit you felt then? I am sure you would have taken out your own eyes and given them to me if it had been possible. {Gal 4:15  NLT}

Apostle Paul continues in his admonition to the Galatian Christians, he remains them of the joyful and grateful spirit with which they did all that he described in the previous verses of this chapter, and his question was – Where is it or What has happened to it?. We as God’s children must come to terms with the fact that Christianity is not about making people feel good or meant to give humans false hopes that can be dashed anytime. Apostle Paul can testify that the Galatian Christians were genuinely Born Again and were radiating with the joy of the spirit, but as they opened themselves up to false teachings all that changed. Apostle Paul found it difficult to accept that these were the same people who were full of so much zeal for the Lord and His work that they would have willingly plucked out their eyes and given to Apostle Paul if it was possible.

Apostle Paul used that statement to describe the extent to which the Galatian Christians were willing to go in demonstrating their love and passion for God. It is painful and heart breaking to see people whom you have laboured over fall from grace into another gospel.

The Galatian experience should make every child of God stay on their guard, because the devil will never give up on fighting to ensure you loose your genuine faith in Christ and replace it with falsehood. It will be important to state that the mission of the devil is not for you to backslide and leave the church, but to ensure that you’re still in church but under the bondage of Deception and Falsehood.

Don’t open up to false teachings, Don’t fall from Grace.

Have a Grace filled day, Good News awaits you.

Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: October 27, 2016