Don’t Miss The Track Part VI

Beloved, you don’t have to have every aspect of that vision all figured out before you take the step to actualize it. Start from what you know and the Holy Spirit will guide you to the unknown. Our scriptural focus for today states – Dear brothers and sisters, if I were still preaching that you must be circumcised—as some say I do—why am I still being persecuted? If I were no longer preaching salvation through the cross of Christ, no one would be offended. {Gal 5:11  NLT}
Standing for righteousness and preaching/teaching the undiluted gospel of grace will always attract opposition from the camp of the devil. The reason for his opposition of the truth is because he wants humans to remain in darkness and eventually end up with him in eternal condemnation. The war against the establishment of the truth in the Church is the actually spiritual warfare that is going on in the Church today. The devil like a roaring loin is crusading false teachings from every quarter, with the intention of winning the war.
If Apostle Paul had abandoned the preaching of salvation through the cross of Christ, all the offensive utterances and acrimony against him and the truth he stood for would have been a thing of the past, just like the man Moses who choose to suffer affliction by standing for the truth in his days rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin which is but for a moment.
Beloved have you abandoned the preaching of salvation through the cross of Christ for another gospel which you think is more appealing to the people because of the stiff opposition you have faced in standing for the truth, remember that king Saul gave similar excuses for not carrying out God’s instructions, and he lost the throne.
Don’t lose your eternal destiny secured for you in Christ, because you couldn’t stand the opposition of the devil, remember grace has been made available for you to overcome every opposition of the devil.

Preach the truth for which Christ died.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: December 28, 2016