Salvation by Faith Part IV

Attitude is the fire in your bones that keeps you focused on your purpose or cripples your progress in life. Attitude has the capacity to fuel your dreams or destroy your hope, pay great attention to your attitude. Our scriptural focus for today states – Rather, I am a sinner if I rebuild the old system of law I already tore down. {Gal 2:18  NLT}.
Apostle Paul states that our faith in Christ as the only condition required by God for our eternal salvation, cannot in anyway destroy us or make us sinners, which was the fear of the Jewish Christians. It is important to note that when we come to God for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, we have broken the former systems of being made right with God through the law. It will be likened to a dog going back to his/her vomit, if after been saved by faith in Christ we go back to practicing the law, Apostle Paul says this is what actually makes believers in Christ lose their nature of righteousness and become sinners.
The cardinal reason we become sinners if we go back to rebuild the old system of the law we already tore down in salvation, is because the law was built on human efforts [works] as a means of gaining acceptance with God, while the new system of grace established through the death and resurrection of Christ is built on absolute faith and trust in Christ to make us right before God.
The law makes men sinners in this new system of grace because without faith it is impossible to please God or gain acceptance with Him, so stop striving to be righteous through keeping the law, it will only make you a sinner.

The law is the task master of sin.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: July 28, 2016