Stand In The Truth Part VI

Beloved, God’s will/purpose for your life here on earth is good, if you set your heart to pursue it with all your strength, it will definitely please and bless you. Our scriptural focus for today states – God has given me the responsibility of serving his church by proclaiming his entire message to you. {Col 1:25 NLT}
What a passionate man Apostle Paul was for the gospel of Christ. He was truly sold out for the One who saved him from sin and translated him into righteousness. He appreciated the huge responsibility God laid on his shoulders in propagating the gospel of grace. He saw himself as a servant in the church, serving only the purpose of God which is to proclaim the whole gospel of Christ to the whole world.
Beloved child of God, you must understand like Apostle Paul that you have been placed in the church to serve the divine purpose of God and not that of a man. You must equally understand that your responsibility is to proclaim the whole/complete gospel of Christ to the world around you. It is one thing to proclaim the gospel but it is another thing entirely to ensure that what you’re proclaiming is the complete gospel of Christ. Apostle Paul committed himself not just to proclaim the gospel but ensured that it was the complete gospel. The devil has subtly infiltrated the church today with good sounding messages that is obviously not the complete gospel of Christ, for which we all as believers must trust the Holy Spirit to help us be careful of what we believe and what we preach.

Serve the purpose of God by preaching the complete gospel.

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you.
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Last modified: June 28, 2017