The Believer’s Inheritance Part V

Beloved, we are living in days that are strange to the history of the human world, therefore make the best of every opportunity God brings your way. Our scriptural focus for today states – Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation. {Col 1:15 NLT}
The image of a person is the representation of the life and characteristics of such a person, in the same way the earthly manifestation of Christ in human form was the visible image of the invisible God. This meant that Christ was God on the earth.
The relationship of God and humans after the fall of Adam and Eve into sin was no longer the way God intended it to be from the beginning. The scriptures says – When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. {Gen 3:8 NLT}. God has always been visible to man from the very beginning, He enjoyed coming down to share fellowship with the man and his wife, but the coming of sin into the human world made God invisible to humans. As long as this lasted, it never brought joy and satisfaction to God, He wanted to be visible to humans so the plan to reveal Himself as Christ on the earth was inevitable. He revealed Himself as Christ on the earth because, He wanted humans to stop seeing Him from the perspective of an invisible God and to begin to see and relate with Him as a Spiritual personality that wants to live and enjoy fellowship with humans.

Christ is God on the earth.

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you.
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Last modified: May 28, 2017