True Sacrifice Part V

As a Christian, the level of joy and happiness you will enjoy depends greatly on the quality of your thoughts, so let the scriptures be the basis for any thought you will allow in your spirit. Our scriptural focus for today states – Have I now become your enemy because I am telling you the truth. {Gal 4:16  NLT}

The Galatian Christians that were once kind and generous towards Apostle Paul, have now turned around to see him as their enemy, it was the same people who were willing to pluck out their eyes and give to Apostle Paul for the course of the gospel if he asked for it, what a sharp contrast. These people were once being commended by Apostle Paul for their joyful and grateful disposition towards him and the gospel. These are now the effects of opening oneself up to false teachings/doctrines, because It has the ability of making you see the truth as a lie and those crusading it as your enemies. The attitude of the Galatian Christians towards Apostle Paul got very messy for which he was now seen as the enemy of the Galatian Christians and their new found gospel.

In our world the spread of false teachings/doctrines are gaining a lot of grounds and many are caught up in the web of confusion, and in some cases some people advocating for the truth of the gospel have been labelled enemies.

We need to take a second look at the things we believe and practice, are they truly the gospel of Jesus Christ or the gospel of men. We begin to see our fellow humans as enemies when we deviate from the gospel Christ into another gospel. If men have labelled you an enemy because you’re standing for the truth of the gospel, stand firm like Apostle Paul and do not allow their attitude discourage you, let Christ and His purpose be your focus and encouragement.

Fellow the gospel of Christ and be established.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.

Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: October 28, 2016