A Walk Of Maturity Part II

But we must hold on to the progress we have already made. {Phil 3:16  NLT}

As far as we can agree as believers on issues concerning the message of Grace which Christ came to give to the world, lets do all within our reach to work together and strive to promote our common goal. Our scriptural focus for today states – But we must hold on to the progress we have already made. One of the greatest need among God’s people today is to live up to what they already have in Christ. Its amazing to see some believers live far below their Exalted position in Christ. Bearing this in mind, Apostle Paul makes a solemn plea to the Philippian church, remaining them of the importance of holding onto the progress they have already made in their knowledge of Christ.
This scripture opens up to every believer, the importance of committing oneself to making progress regularly in our walk with Christ, and secondly to also do all within our reach to maintain such spiritual progress/attainment. There are a lot of things that are being preached in various quarters today as New Revelations, which do not agree with the Gospel of Grace the work Christ brought to humanity, if you dont commit yourself to making daily spiritual progress by the help of the Holy Spirit, there is every tendency that you maybe swept off your feet.
This scripture is a call for every believer to be very Careful, in the things we hear that form our believe system, because if one’s believe system is wrong due to error or false teachings, the progress you will be making spiritually will definitely be in the wrong direction. Building one’s believe system on the undiluted word of God is the sure way to safeguard the spiritual progress you are making as a believer.

Guide your Spiritual progress Jealously.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
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Join us today by 5pm @2b Aba Rd Opp. Penco Plaza Umuahia for an Experience in Gods word. See you.

Last modified: February 29, 2016