Salvation by Faith Part V

Challenges are intended to help us climb higher on the ladder of success and trust God better with our faith, if we use them well as stepping stones and not as obstacles. Our scriptural focus for today states – For when I tried to keep the law, it condemned me. So I died to the law—I stopped trying to meet all its requirements—so that I might live for God. {Gal 2:19  NLT}.
One of the major reasons why God made away with the law was that it was a process filled with human trial and error. It became obvious to God that this process cannot produce a people who will be like Him without applying rules and regulations and also without immediate punishment for sin. The law condemns those who put in every effort to please God through it because it makes you aware of sin but does not offer the solution, thereby leaving you with guilt. The law has a lot of requirements, based on this no human can measure up without offending, and if you offend in one, you’re also guilty of others, therefore no one can truly achieve a consistent life of righteousness through it.
Apostle Paul came to a point were he had to quit trying to please God through the law because the more he tried the more frustrated he became. He had an unquenchable desire to please God, so he had to channel it well by discovering the way of grace.
You may also have an unquenchable desire to please God in all things like Apostle Paul, but if you keep trying to achieve it through the law, you will end up in frustration and the devil will give you a conclusion that you’re a fish in the river, so you can’t deny water. But if you will quit trying to meet the requirements of the law and discover the way of grace and start living by grace, the Holy Spirit will give you God’s own conclusion for your life – I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

The discovery of grace is the beginning of living.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
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Last modified: July 29, 2016