Recognising The Assignment Part II

It is not your circumstance that makes you think or act negatively, rather it is your attitude towards your circumstance that will make you think or act negatively, always choose to look on the bright side that God offers. Our scriptural focus for today states – Instead, they saw that God had given me the responsibility of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as he had given Peter the responsibility of preaching to the Jews. {Gal 2:7 NLT}
The leadership of the church in Jerusalem laid a good and formidable foundation for the gospel. By their action, they demonstrated that the gospel of Christ should be preached and practiced without bitterness, jealousy, nepotism etc.
They saw the assignment of Apostle Paul to the Gentiles from the perspective of Christ and not from the selfish and limited human mind. This informed their overwhelming support for him. They were not people who were intimidated by other peoples God given assignment, neither did they feel inferior to Apostle Paul because of his calling and the success he had already achieved. They placed the interest of Christ and the gospel over and above their personal interest and gave Apostle Paul the needed support that was a great boast to his assignment. They recognized that the assignment was bigger than them and will need other peoples labour in achieving the area’s they will not be able to achieve.
Let’s learn from the Apostles, let’s preach and practice the gospel of Christ that is void of bitterness, jealousy, competition, nepotism and other vices that are capable of hindering the purpose of the gospel and destroying the unity we have in Christ. Let’s realize like the Apostles, that no one man or church can singlehandedly fulfill the Great Commission.

We are One Big Family under Christ.

Have a Grace filled day, Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: June 29, 2016