The New Creation Part IV

Beloved, your union with Christ made you experience the actual circumcision, which is that of the heart and spirit which is more important than physical circumcision. Our scriptural focus for today states – From now on, don’t let anyone trouble me with these things. For I bear on my body the scars that show I belong to Jesus. {Gal 6:17  NLT}
There was a time in the life of Apostle Paul before his salvation experience that he was so proud of the marks of his Jewish religious service. He thought they were valuable so he gave it his very best, but after his salvation experience he discovered a service worth dying for. Looking at the extent to which the Holy Spirit has helped him to give up things he thought were valuable because of his love for Christ, he now considers the stress he is going through because of some legalist Jews as unnecessary. Therefore he says – Don’t let anyone trouble me with these things.
He declares – For I bear on my body the scars that show I belong to Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul referred to the scars on his body, which were caused by persecutions in different cities for the sake of Christ.
In the days of Apostle Paul, he had physical scars that emanated from persecutions and sufferings as he engaged in the service of Christ. In our own days we may or may not have physical scars to show our total obedience and love for Christ but the things we deliberately let go to demonstrate our love for Christ, the things humans deny us either in our offices, community, church etc because of our love for Christ and righteousness are the scars we carry in our body. The question is as a believer in Christ – Do you have scars or have we replaced suffering for Christ with the gospel of comfort and convince, the option is yours.

Scars are signs of ownership

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: April 30, 2017