Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ. {Eph 4:32  TLB}

Instead of being mean, angry or to pick a quarrel with someone that may cause you to use bad/abusive languages, our scriptural focus says – ‘forgive one another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ’. Always remember that you never did anything to deserve or earn Gods forgiveness, He first forgave you on the basis that you now belong to Christ. That is why God can boldly say – I, yes, I alone am he who blots away your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again. {Isa 43:25 TLB}. Following the example of God because you now have His Life in you through Christ, you should always forgive those who hurt you, first because of Christ and secondly for you own good. Nursing unforgiveness, malice or hatred in your heart towards anyone, no matter the degree of the offence, is simply using your own hand to destroy your spiritual life. Forgiveness is one of the greatest attributes of God, and one that mesmerizes the devil any day, so manifesting it always puts you in the class of god.

Forgiveness is always to your advantage.

Have a Grace filled day.
Twitter, Instagram –  PastorIhu

Last modified: July 31, 2015