Your Life, Your Seed Part V

As a child of God, you need to choose your friends with caution, you also need to plan your life with godly purpose and most importantly frame your future with faith. Our scriptural focus for today states – So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. {Gal 6:9  NLT}
When you change the purpose of your kingdom investment from seeking human reward/recognition and start focusing on the Spirit who will truly reward every human for their labour in His kingdom while on this earth, there is every tendency that the attitude/behavior of some people in the church who have not gained the level of spiritual understanding you have will weary you. They may sometimes do it purposefully to discourage you and at other times may be unmindful of what they are doing. All this is the devil’s strategy to make you abandon the way of eternal life that you have discovered for something that will not have eternal reward.
No doubt some Galatian Christians were already at this point of giving up, for which the Holy Spirit says to them and by extension to us – So lets not get tired of doing what is good. It will be important to state that in our current world, it takes a lot of courage and divine strength to stay on the path of truth and righteousness. Are you about giving up on doing what the Holy Spirit has convinced you is good or the purpose for your existence because it is unpopular, or are you about giving up because of the persecutions you’re receiving from your fellow brethren in church etc, the Holy Spirit says to you don’t get weary, don’t give up. Think always on the good He is using you to do, no matter how little it looks in your eyes and keep moving with Him.

Doing good is our lifestyle

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: March 31, 2017