Purpose Driven Work Part IV

When you demonstrate the character and personality of God through obedience to your earthly masters, it showcases the extend of your reverence and devotion to God. Our scriptural focus for today states – Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.  {Col 3:23 NLT}

The purpose of godly service is to add value to the lives of the people we are privileged to serve at any level. When your goal is always to improve someone’s life through your acts of service (whether in a paid employment or in the church), you will definitely do it diligently and with all your strength. You will always give it your very best because you are driven by purpose, which is to influence lives for Jesus Christ.

When you are purpose driven and not just reward driven in your place of work/business, you will do it willingly and joyful, because you will derive so much pleasure and fulfilment. It will be important to emphasize that finding fulfilment in your place of work/business is connected to your attitude/disposition to your work. If you willingly carry out your work as though God is your employer, then the joy of the Lord will always be your strength, even when your earthly masters wants to undo you in anyway. Always remember that when you do your work as unto God and not man, He will bless and protect you in that job.

Let your attitude to work be as unto God and not unto man.

Have a grace filled day – Good news awaits you
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Declaration: I declare that I am Royalty and a Peculiar treasure, God will always showcase His Excellences through my life – Hallelujah

Last modified: March 3, 2018